Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Looking Good on a Budget

Previously we covered how to save on expenses like utilities, rent, and food.

Having a tight budget does not mean that you have to wear the same sweatshirts and jeans everyday. There are ways to find good quality clothes that are always fashionable even if they don't exactly fit in with the latest fashion fad.

  • Look in thrift shops or consignment shops for lightly used or vintage clothing.

  • With the exception of suits and formal dresses, learn to buy pieces that you can mix and match and that are appropriate for different occasions. Buy clothes that you can wear to class, on a date, to an interview, etc.

  • Build up a collection of tops and bottoms that you can mix and match. This way you can get many outfits out of just a few pieces of clothing.

  • Buy quality clothes. What kind of material is the piece made out of? Are the seams poorly stitched? Does the material look like it's about to fall apart and unravel? You want to buy clothes that will last more than a few wearings. The same goes for shoes.

  • Avoid buying clothes at full price at the mall or department store. Look on ebay for lightly used clothes or overstock sales.

  • Instead of buying more clothes, dress up what's already in your closet with accessories.

  • Take care of your clothes. Wash stains immediately. You might end up with a $20+ dust rag if you let stains like blood or oil dry.

  • Keep colors from fading. Wash with cold water and use bleach only when absolutely necessary!

  • Try to avoid buying clothes that are dry clean only. The only exception would be interview or career clothes.

  • Make an extra trip to window shop and plan what you want to buy. Wait a few days and if you still absolutely need those clothes, then go back with some cash and buy them.

  • Be crafty! Learn to alter your clothes if you experience a significant weight change or growth spurt (yes this is still possible in your 20s). Learn to knit. Scarves, mittens, hats, and sweaters are very easy to make and if you live in a colder area you could sell them on campus during the fall and winter. Make your own jewelry or purses. craftster.org is a great source of ideas and tips.

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